Xylocarpus  Koen.

Medium tree, grow in the inter-tidal silty clay soil, forming well developed buttresses surrounding the trunk base
Aerial pneumatophores and root suckers absent
Bark yellowish or whitish with thin flakes
Mature fruits hang on the mother plants almost throughout the year
Diameter of the fruit is upto 20 cm or slightly more, yellowish brown fruit coat, completely round with long woody stalk.
Xylocarpus granatum

Medium tree,  grow generally on the inter-tidal silty but consolidated clay or on the sandy or rocky bay
Buttresses absent but well developed aerial blunt end pneumatophores or root suckers are present
Bark reddish with thick flakes
Diameter of the fruit generally not exceeding 15 cm, greenish
Inflorescence exceeding 8 cm.
Xylocarpus mekongensis

Grow generally on the sandy or rocky bay, away from the frequent tidal inundation
Buttresses absent and no aerial root suckers or pneumatophores
Bark longitudinally fissured
Inflorescence less than 8.o cm long
Leaflets ovate
Stigma cupular
Fruit 5 - 7  cm across.
Xylocarpus molluccensis